Sunday, March 14, 2010

The one who says "don't judge me" would be the first one to judge whever anything happens. They think others would do the same.

The person who laughs at others when they fail is the same person who'll be the most afraid to fail.

The one who doesn't like to help others will be the most polite when asking for help just so he'll get what he is desperate for. For he'll expect others to be irritated just like him.

& he'll be the last one to ask for help if anything happens.

We tend to think others have the same negative thoughts like we do, but do they really? If we don't see that patch of stain in the first place, how would we even know others would see it? If it isn't certain that others would see it, why should we even be so conscious of ourselves?

The self-conscious and insecure one will try to act like she is not, while the one with confidence won't even have to try. Because they don't see the negativity in things to be afraid of others seeing it.

Don't say "don't judge if you can't", we shouldn't even judge when we can do better than others.

We shouldn't only say "Just be yourself, don't care about what others think!", for you'll only be forcing yourself to "be yourself" when you still judge others. Don't focus on yourself, but first focus on the positive side of others, don't judge them and soon enough your fears would be erased. Only then, you'll be able to REALLY BE YOURSELF.

So things don't just "start from yourself", its both way.

I thought of that cause my friend said "You've got this really demeaning look in your eyes when you stare at others. And your stares are really intense". I always thought my stares look as though I'm "stoning". Maybe I'm just so used to judging others I don't even know it.

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